Wednesday, 16 February 2011

More from our Foundation Students

Foundation studio (where the magic happens!)

This week I met with Jordan Baxter and Alex Naylor.

Jordan Baxter
Jordan's workspace

Jordan Baxter comes from Leominster. A few years ago, Jordan completed an National Diploma in Multimedia at HCA. He excelled in his second year and developed an interest in graphic design. Jordan took a year out, working full time while he decided what he should do next. He decided he really wanted pursue a career in Graphic Design and joined the Foundation course.

Jordan's graphic art using embroidery and screen printing..

Jordan's approach to graphic design is very hands on. He likes to incorporate hand made elements, such as screenprinting, into his design. This interest was developed through experimenting with the workshops available to the Foundation students.  He feels that his time on Foundation has helped him to understand himself and what he is interested in. He enjoys that there are no boundaries and the briefs can be tailored to incorporate what he is interested in.

Jordan's typography.
One of the projects he has most recently been working on is a creating graphic art pieces based on a man he once worked with named Darrell. Darrell, at first glance, is a burly hard man, but Jordan has taken the time to get to know the more intimate and soft side of Darrell, whose appearance does not immediately conjure a gentle demeanour.

This is Darrell. Hi Darrell!

Jordan uses images of Darrell and combines them with the softer insights made by Darrell in typographical ways. He is interested in the contrast with the appearence of Darrell's hard exterior and his thoughtful rememberances of his mother. The effect is full of kind-hearted humour. Jordan is now applying to go onto university. He hopes to go onto University College Falmouth or University for the Creative Arts, Farnham. Good luck Jordan!
This is Jordan's graphic art about Darrell.

Alex Naylor

Alex's workspace

Alex Naylor is from Ross-on-Wye. After his A-levels, Alex felt he might want to study in a different area than Herefordshire. Luckily for HCA, he decided to stay and pursue his studies on the HCA Foundation course. He liked the school’s reputation and felt it was a strong course for him to strengthen his skills.

Alex's recent project

At the time, Alex was interested in painting and also had experience in theatre and drama. The foundation course gave him the idea to combine performance into his art practice. Recently he has been working on making images in the darkroom by immersing photographic paper in water and exposing the paper with a flashgun. He then projects the images onto people and photographs the combination.

In one example, he projected these images onto a dancer. The shapes made by the dancer’s body create a sympathetic geometry with the shapes in the water. Alex has plans to work these into a moving image piece. Alex feels the access to the various workshops helped him gain enough knowledge to match techniques fit his ideas. He has also found the dialogue with his lecturers and peers helpful in producing his own work. He has applied to go onto do a Fine Art Degree in London and University College Falmouth. He hopes to continue his Fine Art work and also get back into acting.

Alex's projection with dancer.

More next week from the foundation students.

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